Ross Philipson
Lawyer - MSc(Hons), LLB
(+64) 027 254 6300
Ross is a solicitor with a broad practice in commercial, resource management and relationship property law with extensive national experience in negotiation.
Ross has worked in two National Firms on tax and environmental law as well as having extensive experience in public policy working in senior management roles in The Treasury and the Ministry of Justice, before acting as a consultant on a wide range of public policy issues ranging from primary sector, infrastructure development, environmental and to Crown/iwi relationships. For over a decade he was Chief Crown Negotiator for Treaty Settlements. Among the Treaty Settlements he negotiated were all those with the iwi of the Top of the South (Te Tau Ihu).
Ross uses his negotiation skills to seek resolution of disputes to achieve timely and efficient outcomes without recourse to litigation. His knowledge of government structures and procedures is valuable in overcoming hurdles encountered by individuals or smaller entities when dealing with larger companies or government entities.